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Translator: Ryuu

Editor: Abstract

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried


Chapter 27: Why is He a Low-Ranking Soldier?

The recon squad leader’s name was Andrew. His full name was Andrew Gardner. Once a baron, he was now the sole heir of a fallen noble family.

His dream was singular: to restore the Gardner family in his generation.

“Andrew, you are our hope.”

His dying mother’s final words remained vividly in his mind. His mother had saved money by working as a seamstress and a maid in other people's homes. All the money was spent on Andrew.

From swordsmanship lessons to food and clothing. He didn’t have a prosperous upbringing, but he didn’t lack either. His mother, burdened by work, eventually succumbed to illness. Her wish was also singular.

“Continue the family line and become a great man.”

He decided to do just that. The only means to revive his family that Andrew could take was one.

It was the time of war.

Fight over and over again, and prove his ability. He received timely help when he needed training and he had connections. Before she died, his mother had asked for help from a man who was once like a sworn brother to her husband.

“You have talent.”

That was what the man, who claimed to be his father’s sworn brother, said. After that, Andrew received rigorous training and went to war. He started as a professional soldier and became a squad leader at a young age.

‘I need achievements.’

That thought filled Andrew’s mind. He was confident in his skills. The confidence came after he killed a few enemy soldiers in battle.

“You must be cautious in everything.”

His advisor and helper nagged him endlessly. It was almost unbearable. However, Andrew didn’t take those words lightly.

‘Surviving is also important.’

He needed to live to restore his family, but he couldn’t give up on a challenging life.

What happens to those who give up on challenges?

His father, who had lost the family’s prestige, was a prime example. His father, who lacked talent, swung a sword every day, but his talent was insignificant. In the end, his father couldn’t dream of reviving the family. He gave up quickly. He squandered the remaining assets, which was all his life amounted to. Then he was stabbed to death by a gambler during a fight.

‘A life without a future is bleak.’

Thus, Andrew dreamed of reviving his family while also valuing his own life. However, there were still things that annoyed him. One of them was the leader of the Troublemaker Squad, who caught Andrew’s eye. He was in his position because of his skills. He was striving tirelessly to revive his family, a noble ambition.

But what about that guy?

He was a low-ranking soldier with skills to match. By luck, he was in the position of squad leader, essentially a wage thief.

Was he worthy of living as a professional soldier?

Andrew saw traces of his father in him.

‘He’ll probably just take his pay and settle for today, eventually dying.’

He would live pretending to train by swinging a sword. A mere soldier carrying a sword and a sword belt for training was laughable. If he knew Enkrid, he wouldn’t think that, but Andrew didn’t know him. And now, the troublemaker squad leader was staring straight at him from the morning.

Their eyes met. An unpleasant sensation flowed through their gaze. At the end of that sensation, Andrew frowned.

‘His eyes are annoying.’

Just as he was about to speak, the troublemaker squad leader spoke first.

“Your eyes are annoying.”

Huh? Who is he talking to?

Andrew’s frown deepened. His scowl reflected his mood.

Then one of the soldiers who had followed him stepped forward.

“What did you just say?”

The soldier with a scar on his forehead. He was said to be a former brawler. Andrew had once told him.

“Follow me. I’ll give you a better life than a thug.”

He became Andrew’s trusted aide. Although his skills were still poor and he hadn’t completely shed his thug habits, his fighting skills were decent.

That’s why he brought him along. There were three such soldiers.

Those three subtly stood up and surrounded the troublemaker squad leader.

Enkrid had repeated today several times and came to a conclusion.

‘As a squad member, this isn’t working.’

These men needed to follow his words and act on his commands. That was the minimum requirement. 

So what should he do?

How do knights gain people’s trust?

Why do they inspire people as soon as they step onto the battlefield?

It was simple.


It was possible because they showed their abilities.

So what did he need to make the ten men, including himself, move as one?

What was needed to gain trust?

Since he couldn’t get close and build camaraderie in a single day. All that was left was overwhelming violence based on intimidation.

“Is that mouth of yours the problem? Should I carve a pretty tattoo on it?”

The soldier with the scar on his forehead said. His eyes glinted. He had a face that had probably beaten up a few people. This bastard's lines are consistent. Enkrid thought as he observed the three soldiers' positions.

It was a first for them, but today had already repeated several times.

Why the repetition? For one reason.

Violence and intimidation were more effective the more overwhelming they were. For that, experience was necessary. Apart from skill, he needed to understand their reactions and patterns. For that reason, the Vallen-style mercenary sword was excluded.

He had to subdue them with pure skill. The first gateway to getting past today was subduing the three thug soldiers.

“Did a cat get your tongue?”

The thug soldier taunted.

Enkrid thought words were unnecessary. So he acted. He took a silent step. The opponent reacted. He flinched and prepared to throw a punch, taking a fighting stance.

One of the three even placed his hand on the hilt of his shortsword. Enkrid first lifted his left foot from the ground, taking a very slow step.

With bewildered eyes, the soldiers watched, wondering what he was doing, but the timing was too ambiguous to question. Enkrid’s right foot quickly kicked the ground. Mixing slow and fast movements made it appear faster.

It was a simple trick, a ploy for the first strike. And it was quite, no, immensely useful.


The soldier with the scar on his forehead inhaled sharply and tried to throw a punch. Of course, Enkrid kicked his shin first.


Kicking his shin sideways disrupted his stance. Immediately, Enkrid struck the side of his temple with his fist guard.

It was a satisfying swing.



With a short scream, the soldier staggered and fell to the side. Enkrid’s subsequent movements were smooth as flowing water.

As he turned his body sideways, a shortsword aimed at his side cut through the air. Grabbing the wrist of the soldier holding the shortsword, he twisted it.

The key was applying just enough force to avoid injury.

Crack. Pop.

Twisting the wrist and striking the jaw at an angle, the second soldier also lost consciousness and fell. Enkrid caught the falling soldier by the chest and gently laid him on the ground. He picked up the fallen shortsword as he stood up. Without changing his breath, Enkrid asked.

“Do you want more?”

The last remaining soldier among those who stepped forward broke into a cold sweat. They had drawn their weapons first. Even if he stabbed now, there would be no excuse.

“What’s going on?”

The recon squad leader intervened after watching.

“You’ve been annoying since the first day. You’re just a kid who’s barely learned to walk.”

Enkrid turned to the recon squad leader instead of the trembling soldier. If there was no need to get angry, he could tolerate most things. He didn’t particularly care about the other’s words or actions. It had been like that until now.

But if there was a need to get angry?

He would say what he had to say.

“If I follow your orders, we’ll get slaughtered even on trivial recon missions. Let’s settle this with skill.”

Defying orders was a serious offense. However, the situation was peculiar. Enkrid was originally in the position of squad leader. If the other had respected that, it would be different. But he had shown thorough disregard and revealed his displeasure. No one could blame him for not holding back. In fact, even the higher-ups wouldn’t care who led the recon squad. Didn’t the recon platoon leader tell him to look after the young squad leader before leaving?

This was the time. When he had to step up, not just watch.

“...The one who wins gets to lead the squad?”

The recon squad leader frowned and asked.

“That’s fine. I have no intention of following someone weaker than me.”

Apart from Kraiss, all the monsters in the Troublemaker Squad were better fighters than Enkrid.

But this was just an excuse. He preferred the opponent to get angry and charge.

“Come on, kid who smells like milk. Have you even slept with a woman? Or is your dick not grown yet?”

Andrew’s face hardened.

He hadn’t had his first experience yet. He spent that time training his body. He felt as if the opponent was insulting his efforts, everything he had done to get here.


The squad leader drew his shortsword.

“You can draw your sword too. The length of the blade doesn’t represent skill.”

“Uh, well.”

The rough-looking soldier beside Andrew tried to dissuade him, but shook his head and sighed, stepping back. He had worked as a mercenary for quite a while. He had seen such situations frequently. There had been discord from the start. It might be better to resolve it now. It was more troublesome if feelings festered. Men often settled their emotions after a fight. Moreover, he knew Andrew well. He had taught him swordsmanship.

He might seem like a reckless kid but he knew how to handle a sword and had a straightforward side. Most importantly, he could distinguish right from wrong.

‘It won’t be easy, though.’

If things went south, he would intervene.

However, one thing.

Seeing the Troublemaker Squad leader’s stance and foot position, he didn’t seem like an ordinary soldier.

Thick, calloused hands, hardened to the point of forming scars. These were not decorations made in a day or two.

“Alright. I’ll do it barehanded.”

“This bastard?”

Andrew was agitated. That was a flaw. He showed his emotions too easily. It was something to point out later. The man thought as he decided to watch comfortably. It didn’t seem like it would end quickly. Neither had exceptional skills, but they didn’t look completely unskilled either. Nevertheless, he thought Andrew would win. Just because he was excited didn’t mean he would lose his fundamentals.

He had talent.

The troublemaker squad leader gestured. At the sign to attack, Andrew charged.

And then.


“...One hit?”

What the hell?

The rough-looking soldier’s eyes widened.

As Andrew charged, the troublemaker squad leader feigned reaching out with his left hand. Sensing it, Andrew swung his shortsword. 

Then, as if perfectly reading the sword’s trajectory, the opponent struck the flat of the shortsword with his left hand’s leather gauntlet.

The result was that Andrew’s chest was exposed for a moment.

The troublemaker squad leader then closed in on the exposed Andrew. Inside the narrow space, his body moved dynamically.


Kicking the ground and twisting his body, he extended his elbow, striking Andrew’s solar plexus precisely.

That single blow ended it.


Andrew groaned. His legs trembled. His breath would have caught in his throat, and his limbs would have gone limp. That was what happened when struck in a vital point. Andrew coughed up a groan, bending his back like a shrimp. In actual combat, he would have been as good as dead.

‘What strength.’

To transmit such impact through thick cloth armor. His skill was superior to that of most mercenaries. A question naturally arose.

Why was he a low-ranking soldier?

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