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Translator/Editor: Ryuu

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◈ The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00020 <-- The Little Prince of the Ossuary -->


#Intermission, On the Fictional Disease ‘Morgellons’

The pandemic disease ‘Morgellons’ that appears in this game, takes control of its hosts to spread the infection. This is why the infected bite living people, similar to how rabies spreads through bite wounds, thereby increasing the host population. Of course, there are other paths of transmission as well.

‘Morgellons’ dominates infected humans. Therefore, the infected mutants are not walking corpses, but flesh under new dominion.

Now, don't laugh. It's not entirely a fantasy!

In Bernard Werber's novel ‘Empire of the Ants’, there's a mention of the ‘Lancet Fluke,’ a real-life parasite that takes over its hosts. This little critter burrows into the ant's brain, controlling its actions.

Moreover, there are parasites that change the host's bodily features, like altering the body color to make it more visible to predators, or spores that move the host to environments favorable for mushroom growth to use it as nourishment. Perhaps ‘The Last of Us’ drew inspiration from here? What's that? You're not familiar with this game? Oh, my goodness.

However, it's commonly believed that humans, being higher intellectual life forms, can't be controlled by pathogens or parasites. Yet, according to some scholars, that might not be entirely true.

‘Toxoplasma gondii’ is a parasite that infects cats but can also infect humans as intermediate hosts. After male and female parasites mate within a cat, the eggs are excreted through the cat's waste, entering intermediate hosts like rats or humans, where they hatch.

Infected rats become sluggish and unusually bold, no longer fearing the scent of cat feces. The parasite creates cysts in the rat's brain, making the fearless rat more likely to be eaten by cats, returning the parasite to its definitive host.

So, what about humans? Dr. Jaroslav Flegr, a professor of parasitology at Charles University in Prague, argued that humans also undergo emotional and behavioral changes when infected with ‘Toxoplasma gondii’. According to him, infected individuals may become more affectionate towards cats, essentially drawing humans closer to cats.

Additionally, there's been research suggesting that the same parasite might be linked to schizophrenia. In Europe, up to 71% of people are infected with ‘Toxoplasma gondii’. Hey, you there, the cat lover. Perhaps you're harboring parasites? Hahaha.

But don't worry too much. Even Dr. Jaroslav Flegr, who first warned of the dangers of ‘Toxoplasma gondii’, kept two cats despite claiming cats are dangerous. Ah, the deadly charm of cats.

Unless you have congenital immune deficiencies or complications, this parasite is harmless to you. What's wrong with loving your cat a bit more? Cats are truly adorable. Unlike those heretical dogs. I've heard that dog lovers are the incarnations of devils who pour sauce over sweet and sour pork.

Ah, so is ‘Morgellons’ a parasite? Well, it could be an unknown virus or even an infectious spore organism.

The answer? I don't know! Hahaha. Background settings can always be changed with content updates, right? What's one or two plot holes? The important thing is money, money.

If you have complaints, please call the customer service center of Paradise Group's Virtual Reality Division. A single representative is on standby to handle the myriad of complaint calls.

Wish you a pleasant time in the world ‘Days after Apocalypse’.

#High Risk, High Return, Paso Robles (7)

The monster turned out to be a special mutant.

The soldier testified that the monster shrugged off machine-gun fire and direct hits from rockets. It was larger than a mid-sized car and even crushed a Humvee, which could block rifle bullets, with a punch.

Hearing this, Gyeoul thought it was a bit early. As the number of infected mutants increased and time passed, special mutants would appear, different from enhanced mutants. Enhanced mutants are simply exceptionally strong compared to other individuals of their kind. In other words, real monsters that are both special and enhanced mutants will eventually emerge.

After the sigh and tear-filled testimony from the soldier over the radio concluded, Gyeoul nodded.

"Understood. Then, I'll head out to rescue now."

Everyone listening was astonished. Even the soldier who had been testifying about the downfall of Abel Company stuttered.

[Hey, did you really understand everything I've said so far?]

"Of course. Thank you for the valuable information."

[What are you thinking... Your life is in danger!]

"I'm a human, after all."

A statement loaded with multiple meanings. The other party was rendered speechless. Amidst the silence, some tried to dissuade Gyeoul. Three frightened people. They were companions.

"Look, little captain. Your courage is truly remarkable, but this is recklessly dangerous! Think it over again."

Je-jung, pleaded as if consoling a naive child.

"Shouldn't we think about us too? You promised to get us back safely, didn't you? You made a promise, right? What about the people waiting for us? Without you, we'll go back to how things were before! The American soldier is even saying he's ready to die! There's a difference between courage and recklessness!"

Jin-seok, asserted a promised right as if making a complaint.


Yura, silently shaked her head with a pleading look in her eyes.

Among the gathered Americans, Amalia and Stuart held the boy back, saying he was too young to take such risks.

The bystanders were divided into two groups: those genuinely concerned for the boy and those displeased and fearful about the loss of armed personnel. It was the line between good and evil.

The rescue target felt the same.

[... Are you still listening?]

Gyeoul was still holding the handset.

"Yes, go ahead."

[Thanks for the thought. Really, I'm grateful. Honestly, I'm touched. Even after all the crap Markert pulled, you still want to help... But I don't want others getting hurt because of me. I'm a soldier, and protecting civilians is my job. Just stay where you are. It's best for both of us. Who knows, maybe another rescue team will come by tomorrow, and I might still be alive.]

"Are you sure your current location is safe?"


"You're not good at lying."

[Shut up, you banana.]

Although he used a derogatory term, it sounded almost affectionate. Like when black people jokingly call each other that term? Given the slang in his speech, he's likely black, probably having faced quite a bit of hardship under a racist commander.

Gyeoul said,

"Regardless, I'm coming to rescue you."


"You mentioned tumbling down stairs? Seems like you've taken shelter inside a building. Can you specify your location? Or at least describe any recognizable landmarks."

[Even if I tell you not to come...]

"I'm going out either way. It'll be harder without your help. The chances of dying just went up, you know?"

[...Are you serious?]

"Dead serious. So stop crying. I don't want to hear a grown man cry."

[I wasn't crying.]

The notifications of changing affection levels were relentless. Some rose, some fell, but particularly notable were the drops from Jin-seok and Jejung.

Jin-seok even attempted to snatch the handset, failing miserably. Gyeoul's advanced ‘Combat Sense’ had anticipated the movement. Jin-seok's twisted arm emitted a yelp of pain. It must have hurt as Gyeoul had twisted it mercilessly, tears welling up in his furious eyes.

[Hey, what's going on there? It sounded like a scream.]

"Don't worry about it. Someone just stubbed their toe on the door frame. Must hurt. Hit it pretty hard."

[Really? Didn't sound like that to me...]

"Cut the chatter, and speak up. Anything you last saw will do."

[I thought Koreans liked to hurry things... Alright, wait a bit. My head's not clear; hurts and feels foggy.]

Hope began to thread through the soldier's voice as he spoke. Gyeoul found the AI's realistic response intriguing. Deep down, the desire to live is intrinsic to humans.

Despite Jin-seok's struggle, Gyeoul easily subdued him with one hand, thanks to a judicious application of joint locks. It wasn't a conscious effort to show off but a reflex honed by reaching level 10 in skills like ‘Close Combat’ and ‘Combat Sense,’ a pinnacle of expertise that ordinary people might reach after a lifetime of training. The synergy between these skills allowed Gyeoul to execute the most efficient movements.

The radio only transmitted when the send button was pressed, so Gyeoul, undisturbed by the commotion, forcefully pinned Jin-seok to the ground. It was also a move to make a strong impression on the onlookers.

"Aren't you the ones who acknowledged me as your leader?"

Jin-seok, face flushed with anger, spat back.

"Just because you're the leader doesn't mean you have the right to make such critical decisions alone!"

"Is that so? Then I'll step down as leader. I'll go by myself."

Stunned momentarily, Jin-seok quickly retorted with indignation.

"What about the rest if you leave? How much more danger will they be in! To save one person whose fate is uncertain versus thirty-four you can definitely save along with two comrades! Damn, there's no dilemma here! If you go, you're nothing but an irresponsible bastard!"

Gyeoul released him. Jin-seok, muttering curses, took a few steps back, his eyes fierce. Meanwhile, the radio crackled with a new transmission. As Gyeoul held the handset to his ear, he gestured for silence towards the group, especially Jin-seok.

"Hold that thought. Let's hear this gentleman out first."

Adding one more thing,

"Interrupt, and I'll get mad."

The room fell silent, an effect of the ‘Threat Level’ at play.

The voice came through the handset.

[I remembered. The last place my squad was together was at the intersection of Creston Road and Walnut Drive. We were supposed to head straight in your direction from there, but in the chaos, we ended up moving north. I also remember passing by the county health department...]

Gyeoul unfolded a map, tracing his finger over it based on the clues, then asked again,

"Anything else?"

[Else? In the mad dash to escape, I can't recall much... Ah, yes. There was an overturned FEMA vehicle before I came in.]

"FEMA? Federal Emergency Management Agency? You remember quite a bit for someone who wasn't sure. You didn't want to die, did you?"

[...I admit it, but you're an incredibly annoying kid.]

"I'll take that as a compliment. I'm about to set off, so keep quiet unless I'm transmitting. I don't want any noise attracting mutants. But don't stay silent if there's something genuinely important."

[Man, I'm a professional soldier. I know these things better than you.]

"Can't be too careful, right? By the way, we haven't exchanged names yet. Could I have your name and rank?"

The soldier chuckled on the other end, the laughter lacking any real humor.

[Sergeant Matthew Cohen, reporting.]

"Great, Sergeant Cohen. See you soon."

Then, Gyeoul checked the time. The afternoon was still young. If the distance wasn't too great, it was worth a shot.

He needed to prepare a communication method. The bulky radio wasn't ideal. Given the estimated proximity, he opted for a hands-free device attached to his combat vest.

Turning to Jin-seok, Gyeoul remarked,

"You seem to have a lot of grievances."

"Are you really going?"

‘Insight’ had been active for a while, with augmented reality text strings offering persuasive keywords and sentences recommended by the control AI. Gyeoul ignored them neatly.

"Some parents sell their children, you know."


Jin-seok was taken aback, but Gyeoul continued unabated.

"Selling one child to save the rest of the family makes the sacrifice of one for the many seem justifiable. They sell the child, justifying it with excuses. They tell the sold child, 'Sorry, but it's for the family. Your sacrifice is a given.' You understand?"

Beneath the smiling facade, the heart was icy. The stone within was still heavy.

"Sacrificing the few for the many, yes, that sounds fine. Your words aren't wrong, Jin-seok. But I don't think I'm wrong either. You see, I don't want to be around people accustomed to abandoning others for their survival. If needed, I'll be discarded too."


"I'd rather be prepared to die with those willing to protect each other. So, I won't force anyone to follow. Actually, just stay here. You need to defend this place anyway, but I hope you'll reconsider by the time I return. Whether I'm truly being irresponsible. Think about it, Jin-seok, and you two as well."

With that, Gyeoul checked his weapons and ammo, slung a duffel bag over his shoulder, and headed for the door. Yura, who held high affection for him, started to follow but then hesitated. She wanted to live.

The Americans, who couldn't understand Korean but guessed the context of the argument from the communication content, approached with mixed expressions. Are you really going out? Are you sure you'll be okay? I respect you. Please don't go. It's dangerous. Isn't protecting us your duty? Listen to your elders. Good luck. We'll pray for you. The clear divide between positive and negative reactions mirrored the response of Gyeoul's group.

Amidst this, Yura grasped his shoulder and spoke with difficulty.

"I've never thought you were in the wrong, little captain. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"...I lack the courage."

Gyeoul was pleased with her response.

People watched from beyond the barricade. As soon as the emergency exit opened, three staggering mutants rushed in, their screams small and suffocating.

Gyeoul grabbed the front one by the scruff and pushed it back. Thud. His back hit the barricade. He held on. Waiting for the ones behind to pile up, he tripped them. All at once, he toppled them, kicked to keep them at bay, and brought down his blade with a flash. Adding a snap to the half swing, he stabbed thrice in rapid succession, and the last creature, attempting to rise, fell back down. It was over.

Gyeoul disposed of them. Dragging them by the nape, he took them out. Before exiting with the last body, he turned back one last time.

"Everyone, stay quiet, as quiet as a mouse. See you shortly."

It would be safe. As long as there were no attractors like lights or noise. The boy checked the updated mission information and journal entries. The control AI warned that a delayed return could lead to an increase in crowd fear, potentially failing the mission.

---------------------------= Author's Note ---------------------------=

Please wait a bit longer for the sealbreaker.


[1] FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency): An agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders on April 1, 1979. FEMA's primary purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

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