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Chapter 9

Saving a Famous Streamer in the Hidden Dungeon


Translator: Abood

Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ Saving a Famous Streamer in the Hidden Dungeon

Chapter 9: That person is a complete nutcase, once again!

“Yamamoto Kazuki! I challenge you to a duel!”

On a certain Sunday afternoon. 

I was invited by Susukino Kokko, and now I've come to the Colosseum. It's a facility constructed by modifying a dungeon, but as you pass through cave-like passages, you'll find spacious domed areas scattered throughout, which serve as battlefields for adventurers, as well as facilities like dining halls and hot springs. It's quite an enjoyable theme park.

There, I unexpectedly ran into the pudgy member of the ‘Susukino Kokko Fan Club’ in one of those dome-like areas, which led to this current situation.

This guy really doesn’t learn his lesson… For the time being, I should act like I'm calling the police to scare him off.

—Let’s go back in time a bit. I was lying around in my futon doing nothing, when a call from Susukino Kokko made me jump up.

“Yaho—Yaho—! Kazuki-kun, thanks for the collab we did the other day—!”

“Oh, Kokko. Sup, anything new?”

I was thinking what it could be, but it was about that. She’s really upright. I assumed it was an apology call regarding the misdeeds of the ‘Susukino Kokko Fan Club’, but it wasn't about that. There's no benefit in adding to Kokko's stress, and besides she's not involved with that group anyway… Sometimes it's best to just not open up about stuff again.

“I've already transferred the payment for the collaboration to your account, but you haven't checked it yet, have you? I sent it on the day of the event, so if you have any issues with the amount, don't hesitate to let me know!”

“Ah, for real? Is it really okay for me to accept the payment? I mean, I'm the one who got to appear on your channel, so I was thinking that maybe I should be the one paying you instead.”

“Ahaha! I invited you as an instructor so I wouldn't mess up in the hidden dungeon in the future, so of course I'm the one who should be paying! By the way, is 30,000$ enough?

“...Eh? What was that?”

I must be mishearing. She casually mentioned a staggering amount, it made my heart hurt quite a bit. I tried to confirm it again, but the words that came back were, strangely enough, exactly the same as what I thought I had misheard.



“Mhm, 30,000$. Sorry! As I expected, it wasn’t enough right—! I usually leave everything money-related to my manager, but when I heard the amount, I also felt somehow unsatisfied y’know! I’m really sorry! I’ll prepare another 30,000$ to send as soon as possible!”

Sorry, Kokko. I’ve never used units like that. I don't think people typically earn that much money just for appearing in a video for a few minutes. So please, let's forget about the additional 30,000 dollars!

“Kokko Stoooop! I don’t need that much! It’s fine, really!

“Really? You don’t need that much? Are you sure? Is it enough?

“I don’t need that much!  It’s fine! It’s way more than enough!”

“I see! Then that’s good—! Ah, Kazuki-kun, are you free later? Wanna go to the Colosseum? 

After thinking the money issue was settled, she quickly moved on to suggest something else to me.

“Ah, I don’t have the dungeon teleporter at the Colosseum. I am interested though…”

“Oh but I have it, I’ll give you one. Let's meet up in the hidden dungeon, I’ll give it to you there! I’ll be waiting! You should absolutely come!”

After a completely one-sided talk, she hung up instantly…

So I had no choice but to head to the hidden dungeon, where I saw Kokko who was waiting for me, and chatted with her a bit. After some conversation, I was somewhat forcefully given the Colosseum Dungeon Transporter.

"Last time I held an event at the Colosseum, I gave some away to fans through a lottery, but there were leftovers! I’m happy you accepted it. I’m looking forward to going to the Colosseum with you, Kazuki-kun!” 

“About that…”

“I got rejected for the IRL shopping, but the Colosseum is in the dungeon… Is it no good?”

“It’s fine, but that just now was a bit cunning from you…”

“Follow me! No questions! To the Colosseum we go!"

“Uwah how manly! Let's go then!

With that being the case, having recently had my heart turned into that of a maiden by the baseball team, I followed the manly Kokko without hesitation.

And so, out of mercy, we decided not to file a criminal complaint, allowing the chubby guy to be released. Yet again, he challenged me to a duel.

The chubby guy wasn't alone today; he had brought along some companions.

There were three of them in total, and all three were chubby guys. I'm just going to call them the Doms from now on. 

I realized that the Dom was only pretending to call the police, and he got even angrier, repeating the same story.

His fellow Doms, as if in perfect coordination, kept hurling provocative words one after another.

“Yamamoto Kazuki! I challenge you to a duel! Don’t make me repeat it!”

“That’s right! Fight like a real man! Yamamoto Kazuki! Are you scared of being defeated!?”

“I'll make sure you understand that you're not the kind of man who stands next to her! Kihihihi!"

These troublesome otakus… But I've also had enough of them.

At that time... when he challenged me to a real fight, I…

I was scared.

I witnessed human madness firsthand and felt a distinct type of fear, different from what I had experienced with monsters until now.

I… I am utterly infuriated by that!

I will accomplish my revenge… The next time we meet, I won’t hold back. That's exactly why I decided to withdraw the complaint. These kinds of guys never learn from their mistakes. They'll undoubtedly come after me again. And sure enough, my prediction was spot on.

Now then, no more holding back.

As fellow adventurers, I'll face them head-on, fair and square.

“Sure. A duel, right? Wanna do it in the Colosseum? Or… wanna do it right here? Ha?”

Seeing my intimidating stance, the three of them started to panic. Maybe they thought they could scare me again by suddenly attacking like last time, but facing the me who was already prepared for battle, the Doms were completely caught off guard.

But I won’t be the one to throw the first punch. In terms of skill, there's no way they could ever defeat me, not even if they stood on their heads. I'll show them the composure of a true adventurer and intensify their sense of despair.

“Ugh…! There’s no way we can do it right here! Not a chance, Kazuki-kun! We’ll do the duel in the Colosseum, fair and square! Follow me! Gehehehe!”

Hmm. Fine then. I'll let myself get lured in, just as they want…

“Heh—. Are these people your friends, Kazuki-kun? You’re going to have a duel? Sounds interesting! I also wanna duel too—!”

It’s such a relief that Kokko doesn’t remember their faces…


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