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Chapter 24

The Little Prince in the Ossuary


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00024 <-- The Little Prince of the Ossuary -->


#Past, The Day of the Deal

Born in winter, the boy was with his parents in the manor. The ceilings were high, and the walls distant, making it feel less like a home to him. It was somehow cold, a chill that seemed out of place even as autumn reigned outside, making the indoors feel like winter. Gyeoul, the season of his birth, was not one he held dear. It was cold and desolate.

He had thought the person leading them was a servant, but was surprised to learn she was the daughter of the house. The age difference was striking. She could pass for someone in her twenties. One could believe her to be a granddaughter. There was a quiet atmosphere. For some reason, she concealed her face. Peering carefully beyond her hair, one could see an expression as if snow had settled in her heart.

An elder, yearning for his youth, awaited the arrival of the goods. There were no pleasantries. His first words upon seeing them were:



“Strip. I need to check the condition of the merchandise.”

The demand was rough and blunt. Gyeoul was taken aback. It would be difficult to undress without hesitation even for someone around the age of a younger sibling, let alone for Gyeoul, who was nearly two decades old. It was a matter of shame. Surrounded by strangers, with the chairman’s daughter and the gazes of the employees adding to his discomfort, their eyes betrayed their dismay, though they tried not to show it. Gyeoul was sensitive to the feelings of others.

The chairman spoke.

“If you intend to ruin this deal, you may as well stay dressed. After all, we can always resort to a full-body transplant with a clone if not your body.”

Ah-young's gaze turned to her father, mixed with reproach for his deceit, yet she averted her eyes when they met his. The chairman dismissed his daughter with a disdainful look.

Gyeoul's parents were tense, poking their son in the back with stiff smiles.

“Do as the chairman says, alright? Be good, will you?”

The mother's voice sounded as though she was cajoling a disobedient child.

The weight in his heart grew heavier by the day, the stones within it bruising his quivering heart. A cold heat rose to his throat. It was bearable because it was familiar. Soon, there would be nothing left to weigh him down. Yes, even within a life built on lies, if one could live with a heart true to oneself.

With his gaze lowered, the boy began to remove his clothes, layer by layer.

“Your underwear too.”

He hesitated, but the pause was brief. Despite the shame, he stripped completely, baring his nakedness. Standing in his purest form, human in appearance, he looked at the chairman, his eyes asking if this was sufficient. The old man, dreaming of humanity, smiled contentedly.

“Excellent quality. Splendid.”

“You’re looker head to toe. Good, very good. What a body to make use of. This is the least that's expected.”

However, Chairman Go Geon-cheol didn't stop there, but leaned in close and sniffed audibly. "Body odor is important too," he muttered, and the boy wished he could die of shame.

But the worst demand was yet to come.

“Get it up.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said make it erect.”

As he spoke, he flicked the boy’s penis with his fingertips. It was absurd for Gyeoul, but Chairman Go was utterly serious in his request. Everyone watching was aghast. Ah-young, knowing it was futile, still stepped forward to stop her father.

“Stop it! The medical team assured us there's nothing wrong! Isn’t this enough?”

“Enough? You think this is enough?”

The Chairman scoffed.

“₩50 billion. Imagine that— people who earn a yearly salary of ₩100 million would have to save half of it for 100 years to amass such an amount. It's chump change to me, but to this guy, it's a lifetime fortune he couldn't even dream of. I'm just making sure this ₩50 billion purchase has no defects. What's there to complain about?”


“But my ass. I've lived my life as a merchant. Never have I made a purchase solely based on someone else’s word! I must check everything personally to be certain! Tsk tsk, and to think my only daughter is so feeble…”

Indeed, words are powerless tools.

From the perspective of the bystanders, particularly Gyeoul’s, it was appalling. On one side, he swallowed his outrage. His parents didn’t dare make such a demand, simply sealing their lips and growing anxious.

Only the merciless merchant was relentless. Since he was willing to pay the price, there was no need to delay the deal. The chairman urged without hesitation.

“What are you waiting for? Get it up. Don’t act like you’ve never masturbated before.”

Luckily, those around had turned their heads away. Gyeoul tried to entertain lewd thoughts, but it was no easy feat, especially with the piercing gaze of an old man fixed on him.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it."

The chairman burst out unexpectedly.

"Don't you want to make money?"


"Do you think it's that easy to live off someone else's money? So many people commit insurance fraud in virtual reality, born lucky enough not to have transplant rejection, selling their bodies, and then loafing around for the rest of their lives! You should be grateful for the opportunity! At least try before you say such things, then I wouldn't have to speak like this!"

"But... I really can't do it."

The boy shivered with humiliation. He wanted to scream in despair, entrusting his body to the weight of accumulated resentment. It was an irrational situation. Anyone would have understood Gyeoul. However, his demeanor only incited Chairman Go Geon-cheol's anger. It was a wonder where such energy came from in his old body, as his voice, which had been loud before, now began to boom even louder.

"These days, young people lack willpower! Effort! Effort! Effoooorrrrt is necessary! If you have the will, there's nothing you can't do!"

The stubborn old man seemed out of breath, puffing angrily. However, the boy, rigid as a rock, refused to move. His muscular body, impressive to behold, now seemed frail and pathetic. It was because of the emotions converging inwardly, unexpressed.

With dissatisfaction, the chairman called for his daughter.


"Suck it and make it stand up."

She had thought she misheard, but no, it was clear. Ah-young was appalled. Gyeoul's eyes had widened in shock, and his parents and the nearby employees also wore expressions of disbelief. The tyrant pushed his daughter.

"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up and do it."

"Huh... Are you speaking seriously? I'm your daughter!"

Ah-young retorted, questioning what kind of parent would ask such a thing of their child. However, Chairman Go Geon-cheol looked at her as if she had spoken well.

"That's right. You are my daughter! Do you know what that means? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been born!"

"How can you ask such a thing of your married daughter?!"

"That should make it easier! You must have done it for your husband before!"

No one could bear such a vile remark. Ah-young trembled, feeling blood rush to her head in anger. She glared at him. The chairman chuckled mockingly.

"You’re glaring at your father? How audacious. Do you think you can live without me? If I cast you out, do you think your husband would still keep you? Could you survive on your own, taking your nursing child with you? Huh? Tell me. What do you think?"

When he mentioned her child, the strength drained from Ah-young's gaze. She was a beautiful daughter, but her father did not care for his granddaughter, believing women to be fundamentally corrupt, with no joy in their birth. This was what he had said to his daughter the day after she gave birth.

The only one who could protect the one-year-old was his mother. If she were to be shunned by her father, there would be no way for her to find work. Everything would be blocked off. Ah-young succumbed to reality. She knelt before the boy born in winter.

"Uh? There, just, wait a moment……."

Holding back Gyeoul with both hands, Ah-young spoke in a settled voice.

"It’s okay. Just bear with it a little longer."

After soothing him, she bit his penis before he could react.


Her father shouted at her, claiming he could do it better because of his experience, but in truth, Ah-young was inexperienced. It wasn’t that she was completely ignorant of such things, given the nature of the world, but she had never complied with her husband's demands due to her pride. The reason her husband, who enjoyed dominating in bed, found no interest in sleeping with her was right here.

Explaining the situation would be meaningless.

The boy might have imagined such things, but reality far surpassed his imagination. Guilt, shame, suppressed anger. Despite these negative emotions, every time his breath caught in his throat, his reason felt chillingly pricked, but that was all.

Ah-young gauged the moment. She felt nauseous.

Showing her feelings would only invite ridicule. She stood up expressionlessly, pulled out a handkerchief, wiped her mouth, and looked at her father.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Give me that handkerchief."

After receiving the handkerchief, the chairman roughly grabbed the boy and wiped him down. After wiping off his daughter's saliva and drying the boy’s penis, he personally held it, examining its thickness and length. Then, nodding his head, he seemed satisfied.

"It’s fine. Quite impressive."

"…Is it all over now?"

Despite the trembling question, the chairman was blunt. His tone had softened considerably compared to before. It was rare for the chairman, who had large emotional swings, to show such a mood to anyone other than family or close associates.

"Why are you whining after such a good experience? And it’s not over yet."

It wasn’t over. Fear was now visible in the boy's expression. What else could there be left to endure? Chairman Go Geon-cheol calmly stated.

"We need to see you ejaculate."


Receiving his gaze, Ah-young gave up on arguing. Gyeoul groaned.


What exactly? Perhaps even the boy himself did not know. Yet sometimes, even without clear words, the meaning becomes vividly clear. Understanding his feelings, Ah-young felt her revulsion dilute. Poor child. She felt a kinship. Thinking this, she wanted to do her best for the boy despite her reluctance.

Standing behind the boy, with one hand stroking his head and the other embracing him, she whispered in his ear.

"Just think of it as a dream. When it’s over, it will just have been a bad dream."

"Ugh, can't, ah……."

The boy was shaken by a kindness he had never found in his family. The sweet breath that reached his ears, the soft chest that crumbled against his back, the body heat that spread throughout him, the heat that mindlessly dyed his head, and above all, the embarrassingly sensitive, white, long fingers. Even the soft friction of the palm.

Ah-young had induced ejacuation. When she rejected her husband's demands, she often used her hands, which, unlike when she used her mouth, she was able to do skillfully.

Finally, it erupted. The old chairman let out an impressed "Wow."

"Well, it should be at least this much. Very healthy," the chairman remarked, wearing a rare smile. He patted the boy's shoulder and praised, "Well done. Quite satisfactory."

Gyeoul blinked busily. As if the madness up until now had been false, the chairman appeared remarkably calm.

"Well, now it's my turn to show the reward."

"Money... Are you talking about money?"

"Other than that."

The chairman spoke with a stern attitude.

"I'm a fair merchant. Though I may have broken the law at times, I've never violated the terms of a deal I've set. Remember? I said anything needs to be personally verified to be certain. Since I've checked your goods, you have the right to inspect the compensation I'll pay item by item. Money, yes, it's crucial. But what's more important to you, essentially, isn't it the virtual reality you'll live in for the rest of your life after the transaction?"

"Virtual reality..."

Certainly, from Gyeoul's parents' perspective, money would be the most important. However, in this deal, the compensation the chairman is paying isn't just about having a house and money. The virtual reality where Gyeoul will be "installed" is also part of the compensation.

To the chairman, this was also a kind of barter. Since he confirmed the boy's quality, the boy had the obligation and the right to confirm the quality of the virtual reality.

"It would be good for you to experience it firsthand. Bring the terminal to the house."

There was no need for a response. The boy simply nodded obediently.


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