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Chapter 25

The Little Prince in the Ossuary


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: https://dsc.gg/wetried

◈ The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00025 <-- The Little Prince of the Ossuary -->


#Conversation with Viewers (1)

「AI Usage Tips: To user ‘Han Gyeoul’ with the world ID B-612, please be informed. The current chat window has filtering features enabled as per user settings. Messages with insignificant content, repetitive posts, or those from viewers who have been reported multiple times by others, as well as messages that the user has chosen to blind, will not be displayed in this chat window. If you wish to change settings, please summon the control AI.」

「YeminROCK: Oh, seeing the Christian symbol, it looks like the broadcaster has the chat open.」

「Korean-AmericanAlliance: Steamer’s hereeeeeee!」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Hello, everyone.」

「ProudPrincess♡: Kyaaa~! Hello cute oppa! Watching your stream and loving it poow♬」

「yourmom: Yo.」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Hello, ProudPrincess♡-nim, yourmom-nim.」

「yourmom: Ye.」

「FullTimeJessica: Streamer is hereeeeee!」

「SnowyFox: ?」

「BlackBroZack: You!」

「Mustafa: Your sin!」

「TeamLeaderKimMi-young: Reveal it!」

「ZzaraPappa: Reveal what LOLLLLLL」

「likeableYOU: These idiots even breathe like idiots LOLLLLL」

「SnowyFox: ?」

「FullTimeJessica: Ughhhhhhuhuhuhuhuhuh.」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): What’s the matter?」

「FullTimeJessica: What do you mean, what’s the matter! Host, please let’s just play the gayme!」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Gayme? Is that a typo for 'game'?... I am already playing a game, but I’m not sure what else you’re referring to... I don’t plan on connecting to another world besides 「Days after Apocalypse」 anytime soon, but if you have a preferred world, I can consider it for later.」

「BlackBroZack: LOL, BJ is so innocent.」

「Chillichongkane: Innocent my ass. You guys just stick to outdated slang, you old-timers.」

「Chillichongkane: Innocent my ass. You guys just stick to outdated slang, you old-timers.」

「FullTimeJessica: Don’t the kids nowadays know the gayme? You know, the one that’s good for guys and gals.」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): ...Are you perhaps referring to sexual activities?」

「KILL: Exactly! Why do you ignore me!」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Huh?」

「KILL: I spent a big chunk of money, 100,000 won on stars for a quest... And you just cancelled it as soon as you saw it. Why do you do that, really. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Ah...」

「KILL: After rent, meals, transport, insurance, savings, housing fund, and utilities, I only have 200,000 won left, and I spent half of that. It’s a lot of money for me... Here I am, a 30-year-old with no prospect of dating, let alone marriage, just jerking off with a VR helmet on, and you just kick it aside. Your stream is fun and it doesn’t even buffer, but now there’s no chance of getting my fleshlight dirty, and it feels so empty... I might even rape Namsan Tower at this rate... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ」

「SnowyFox: ;;;;」

「Wilma: Big sigh. Right. Wake up, host. ㅠㅠ」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): It’s not about the money... If I accepted it, I wouldn’t be able to focus for a while. I’m sorry if you felt bad.」

「doomchitdoomchit: That’s your own problem, though. If you started the stream wanting to make money, you should do what the consumers want, right?」

「storm224: doomchit, stop spouting bullshit. F*ck, trolls like you, placing sh*tty bets and useless quests, have blown up so many channels I liked... If it's time to bang, it will happen.」

「TasteZoomLaw: Real talk, gotta agree with storm224 here, this stream is freaking epic, the host's quick wit is killer, right? Yes, agree~ Hate needless meddling, seriously, if you disagree, you're probably a loser LOL Aww gimme a break」

「TasteZoomLaw: reel talk, gota agrii w strom24 tha dude’s boppin and the streams beepin, ye? Yeeeeeee~ fuckin hate usless talk frfr if ya dun like it ur just a loser lmfao awwwwww gime a break」

「Han Gyeoul (Host): ?」

「SnowyFox: ?」

「AI Usage Tips: Additional filtering option notification. You may choose to categorize TasteZoomLaw's block or interpret the meaning via the online environment search function.」

「AI Usage Tips: The search function has been activated, but automatic interpretation per translation guidelines is not possible. An update to the translation engine will be attempted.」

「AI Usage Tips: The update has failed. You are currently using the latest version of the engine. Manual interpretation is recommended.」

「doomchitdoomchit: What the hell is that, just dog barking noise.」

「activeXfuckoff: Don’t say that.」

「LendMeYourStrength: Yeah, don't. I also hate to see channels get blown up. The most popular streamers mess up the flow and bang whenever it’s too much really. There’s a limit to understanding.」

「Don't_NickPun: Host, keep up the strong spirit. Love seeing your determined hosting. Just keep it up.」

[Don't_NickPun has gifted 100 stars.]

「Han Gyeoul (Host): Thank you. I’m glad there are many who understand.」

「richdog: But really, 1000 stars isn't a small amount, I laughed so hard when you just kicked the quest out without a second thought. BJ, thought you were a stoic pumpkin LOL.」

[richdog has gifted 5 stars.]

[activeXfuckoff has gifted 10 stars.]

「conservative_extremist: Even after watching for a week, to have no sex at all… it feels like being tortured with false hope.」

[SnowyFox has gifted 100 stars.]

#Journal, Page 45, Camp Roberts

I heard that I was to receive medals. The Homosexual Valor Medal and the Valor Device. These are often awarded together for outstanding military deeds on the battlefield.

The U.S. government has classified the enormous monster I defeated as a special mutant, naming it ‘Grumble’. It reportedly appeared simultaneously in various contaminated areas, and I am the only one known to have killed one with guns and grenades. Everyone else had to bring in attack helicopters and tanks to crush it, according to the public affairs officer.

The public affairs officer who came from Washington for the ceremony always wore a gas mask and ate only the food he brought with him. It seems he was extremely anxious just being in the containment area.

No case of airborne transmission of the pathogen has been discovered yet. If it were as contagious as he feared, the camp would already be hell. We all live without gas masks inside the barbed wire.

He didn't just bring the medals. Along with a handwritten letter from the U.S. President, I also received a certificate of citizenship. Moreover, they offered me a path to become an officer through wartime commissioning if I wished. The only condition was an oath of allegiance to the U.S. I, of course, agreed. I had already decided to become a U.S. soldier when I accepted the status of a volunteer. If I was going to do it, it was much better to be an officer than an enlisted man. Thus, the ceremony also became my commissioning as a second lieutenant.

I received congratulations from all the familiar U.S. soldiers. According to Lieutenant Capstone, there was a good reason why my decoration was decided so quickly.

I was a billboard for the refugees. That was all, but now, due to the severe damages caused by the Grumble, things had changed a bit. I had to serve the same role for both the U.S. soldiers and citizens. It was a story of significant confusion in the safe zones due to the appearance of this special mutant, quite different from the previous ones. The intent was apparently to make me a hero who single-handedly defeated the Grumble and to calm the indiscriminate fear.

There were also plans to shape public opinion about the worsening refugee situation and assign me a role model role for refugees on a national level. I see. The government must plan to employ refugees as mercenaries. They had been recruiting volunteers as a stopgap measure through camp commanders, but now it would be done as a national policy.

No matter what, being commissioned as a second lieutenant straight from being a volunteer seemed too much. A billboard is better if it’s flashy, but this was over the top. Plus, I’m a minor. It seems even the U.S. government is in dire straits. Anyway, there was no harm in accepting what they offered.

There were notably some people who looked displeased at the award and commission ceremony.

Firstly, Captain Markert. He openly frowned upon seeing me with rank insignia and medals on my officer's uniform. Understandably, he might feel slighted since I had cleaned up the mess he disastrously retreated from. There were many commanders destroyed by the Grumble, so his retreat was considered unavoidable. However, rumors were that he had lost a lot of trust from his men. They called him an officer who ran away and abandoned his soldiers.

He apparently never had much respect to begin with.

Perhaps that's why there were no people around the captain. It would only make subordinates suffer to alienate a superior, but that didn’t make it any easier for him.

Among the refugees mobilized to take the best pictures, there were quite a few with dour expressions. It wasn’t hard to guess their affiliations. Whether it was to strengthen cohesion, organizations frequently engaged in getting tattoos or sharing insignias.

As the camera flashes sparkled and multiple cameras clicked away, the president's handwritten letter, read aloud by the battalion commander, went something like this.

「You have risked dangers not required by duty to save 34 American citizens, and also rescued the sons of America who faced a formidable enemy, fighting with extraordinary courage and skill against a new threat to national security. As the President of this country, I express my gratitude for your astonishing tenacity and spirit of sacrifice, and I reward you with fitting honors. I look forward to seeing you fulfill your duties as a citizen. May God bless America.」

It’s difficult to be blindly optimistic about the future, but it seems even harder now for hostile organizations to mess with me. The people I am with are likely to truly acknowledge me more sincerely.

#Executive Order 9066, Camp Roberts (1)

Now that the officer's uniform had been added to the boy’s clothing options, he still preferred to wear his combat gear. The uniform would be more efficient due to the leadership boost it provided. However, Gyeoul felt that it was rather childish.

He accepted the offer to use the officers' quarters. He had no choice but to ponder because of Captain Markert, but it was to get acquainted with the officers in case the camp collapsed or the U.S. itself entered a state of anarchy. It was necessary to pave the way to join hands with those who possessed the most substantial combat capabilities.

"Hey, young Second Lieutenant, where are you heading?"

This was from Sergeant Cohen, who, with his mocking salute and casual greeting, had yet to escape his reliance on crutches. This was generally how U.S. soldiers treated Gyeoul. It wasn’t meant maliciously. It was a mix of admiration for the young man's remarkable abilities and playful affection.

Even though he was a second lieutenant, he wasn’t their direct superior. They were part of the National Guard, and Gyeoul was treated as a federal officer on assignment. He didn’t think it necessary to stiffen up and create a bad atmosphere. He would change things with performance and skills. For now, he simply smiled warmly.

“I’ve been ordered to organize a volunteer squad. I’m going to recruit volunteers from the refugees.”

Since Gyeoul was essentially a billboard, it was difficult to be absorbed into the existing U.S. military structure. No matter how impressive his record, resistance within the U.S. military was inevitable. Hence, the military leadership thought of using this opportunity to pilot a permanent squad made up solely of refugees.

There was a precedent, as Colonel Kim Young-oak, a Korean-American who led Japanese-American volunteers during World War II, had done. The battalion commander openly told me to strive to be the second Kim Young-oak.

It might seem like discrimination, but in reality, it was a privilege. Gyeoul had full authority to select the members of his unit. The selected personnel would receive the same provisional U.S. military status that Gyeoul had before his commissioning. Considering the dire situation of the refugees, there would be plenty who wanted this.

In the world of ‘Days after Apocalypse’, where a specific government system is maintained, and the player is a refugee, the treatment of refugees and the duration of the government system depend on the player’s actions. It might seem unlikely that one person’s efforts could have such an impact, but... that’s the protagonist for you. It could be explained as a butterfly effect.

"Shall I accompany you?"

The grinning black face looked mischievous. The boy had thought he was simple enough not to have ulterior motives, but it seemed I was mistaken. It wasn’t malice. From the updated affinity data alone, there was no reason for him to be hostile to Gyeoul. He suspected an intent but decided to feign ignorance and ask for confirmation.

"What do you mean?"

“I might not be smart enough for Harvard, but I know the psychology of the rough types. Grew up in the slums, you know. Looking at the camp atmosphere, there seem to be quite a few who’d love to screw with the young Second Lieutenant. Wouldn’t it be decent of us, fellow soldiers, to protect each other, Sir?”

The mix of informal and formal speech was a mess, but it was essentially a warm gesture. Just having a U.S. soldier accompany him would make many things easier. No one would dare to harm him carelessly. Gyeoul smiled again.

“Thank you for the thought, but take care of yourself. Having a guardian is a privilege of children, and I am no child. If I am underestimated, I must overcome it with ability.”

“Oh, putting on airs.”

“Did it sound cool?”

His last words, delivered in a genuinely impressive pose, caused the black sergeant to burst out laughing. Chuckling heartily, he extended his fist. 

“Yo, cool shit bro.”

In the slums, regardless of blood relation, if you are somewhat close, you call each other brothers as a unique expression of intimacy. Gyeoul bumped fists with him.

After exchanging farewells wishing each other quick recovery, how far had he gone when Corporal Elliot approached hesitantly. I thought we had become quite close after Paso Robles and following San Miguel. Unlike Cohen, who was still limping, his injuries seemed to have healed. He acknowledged the salute and asked what was up, to which Elliot hesitantly asked.

“If you’re heading to the refugee area, um, er… shall I accompany you?”

Gyeoul laughed heartily once more before saying he would just take the sentiment.

“And when it’s just the two of us, you can treat me informally.”

“Even if it’s a meteoric rise like the young Second Lieutenant, we need to strictly distinguish between public and private matters. It’s already hard enough for others to respect you. Unless it’s a personal meeting after hours.”

“That’s true. Thank you very much.”

As much as virtual reality can mimic reality, it felt unrealistic in this aspect. There can’t possibly be so many good people. Gyeoul saluted Elliot goodbye and then, with a lighter step, headed towards the refugee area.


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